Envie de soleil : 12 Monate Sommer mit der Edition von Kira Bunse / 12 moths of summer with the edition of Kira Bunse
Kira Bunse, Tropez, 2019
Wandkalender / Wall calendar
14 Seiten / pages
Auflage von / Edition of 120
25,00 EUR
erhältlich im TROPEZ im Sommerbad Humboldthain / available at TROPEZ in Sommerbad Humboldthain public pool
34,00 EUR
inkl. Versand / incl. shipping (9,00 EUR)
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Published on the occasion of the exhibition AMOUR from June 1 to September 1, 2019 at TROPEZ, Berlin.
Die Fotoserie Tropez von Kira Bunse ist eine Liebeserklärung an die Schwimmbadbesucher_innen. 2019 blickten den in der Pommesschlange Wartenden Till, Eugene, Thierri und Linus entgegen. Sie und acht weitere junge Männer hatte die Fotografin zu Beginn der Saison rund um das TROPEZ herum porträtiert. Sie gehören ebenso zum Freibad wie Pommes frites und Eis am Stil. Man sieht noch letzte Spuren der Kindheit an ihren Körpern und in ihrem Blick schon das unverschämte Selbstbewusstsein junger Erwachsener.
Kira Bunse’s photo series Tropez is declaration of love to the visitors of the Sommerbad Humboldthain. In 2019, visible to those waiting in line for fries, were Till, Eugene, Thierri, and Linus. At the beginning of the season, Kira Bunse photographed portraits of these and eight other young men in the grounds of TROPEZ. They are just as much a part of the pool as french fries and ice cream. The last traces of childhood are still visible on their bodies, but in their eyes gleams the insolent self-confidence of young adults.
Kira Bunse, Tropez, 2019
Creative Direction
Kira Bunse
Lisa Müller
Nitty Gritty Berlin
Casting Büro Wien
Cover: Ben
January: William (Kyra Sophie)
February: Eugene
March: Yotam (Nest Model Management)
April: Verner (Nest Model Management)
May: Till (Kyra Sophie)
June: Linus (Core Management)
July: Finn (Core Management)
August: Thierri (The Claw Models)
September: Julian
October: Tom (Nest Model Management)
November: Roman
December: Simon (Kyra Sophie)
Thanks to: Kirsten Landwehr, Baris, Jonas, Nils Philipp, Scott
Published on the occasion of the exhibition AMOUR from June 1 to September 1, 2019 at TROPEZ, Berlin.
Printed in Germany
Edition of 120
© 2019 Kira Bunse, TROPEZ
All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.
im Sommerbad Humboldthain
Wiesenstraße 1, 13357 Berlin
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Montag – Sonntag
10.00 h – 18.00 h
im Sommerbad Humboldthain
Wiesenstraße 1, 13357 Berlin
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Montag – Sonntag
10.00 h – 18.00 h