Peter Cant and Krzysztof Honowski plus guests shoot a live film in two parts about Berlin and the idea of the West. And Now The Screen Is Struck By Lightning takes as its starting point Tabea Blumenscheins performance as Her, the drunk in Ulrike Ottinger's 1979 feature film Ticket Of No Return. Blumenschein was the ultimate West Berlin superstar, whose celebrity came to an abrupt end with the fall of the Wall. Now she is an outsider artist living at the city's periphery. Berlin meanwhile, has made the opposite journey. A city that was once on the furthest edge of Western Europe is now at its centre. And if there's anything the 20th century has taught us, it's that the centre cannot hold.
A limited edition of the accompanying publication, Sincere Procedures, is available at the Tropez Kiosk.
Peter Cant und Krzysztof Honowski arbeiten seit 2012 zusammen und rufen durch extreme Nahaufnahmen und kräftiger Farben queere Geschichten hervor. Ihre Live-Film-Performances erforschen die Vermittlung von Intimität auf und die Zaubersprüche der Leinwand.
Peter Cant and Krzysztof Honowski have been working together since 2012, invoking queer histories through extreme close-ups and highly saturated colour. Their live film performances explore the mediation of intimacy and the spells cast by the screen.
im Sommerbad Humboldthain
Wiesenstraße 1, 13357 Berlin
Google Maps
Montag – Sonntag
10.00 h – 18.00 h
im Sommerbad Humboldthain
Wiesenstraße 1, 13357 Berlin
Google Maps
Montag – Sonntag
10.00 h – 18.00 h