Hankings-Evans’ research focuses on international economic law, its power implication, geopolitics and postcolonial theories of justice. Rana Farahani is a musician researching populism and how the far-right organizes online, particularly in Austria. Clementine Ewokolo Burnley uses a decolonial, intersectional feminist framework to look at ideas of belonging, Brexit, and its relationship to literature.
Moderated by Aleksandra Lakić, Lukas Stolz, Birkan Taş and Nine Yamamoto-Masson will discuss existing practices of protest and social movement within and beyond Europe, while rethinking the meaning of ‘hope’ in times of political uncertainty. Researcher Taş, who holds a PhD in Cultural Analysis, discusses Kurdish resistance in Turkey and Northern Syria. Community organizer and co-director of Artists Without a Cause Yamamoto-Masson shares her experience in bringing art and activism together, while researcher, curator and activist Stolz brings his Urban Alternatives online map to a new audience to explore its potential for practical political strategy rather than unrealistic utopian visions.
European Democracy in the (Un)making
Panel with Folashade Ajayi, Marie Rosenkranz, Dominik Schlett, Aleksandra Lakic and music by Lamb Kebab (live), Juba, Dovecake, Larry
The spread of right-wing populism, alongside a growing neoliberal agenda, is causing the common legacy of Europe to come under question. The EU institutions and political actors themselves appear unable to offer a working alternative to the current state of affairs beyond proposing a further centralisation of power, which is a key source of public dissatisfaction in the first place. The European Democracy in the (Un-)Making panel examines the possibility of reversing the power narrative in the EU by spotlighting the political and civil society initiatives aiming at institutional and political reform. By involving the regions and citizens in the decision-making process, the European Union might change course and foster an environment of mutual cooperation, instead of heading straight back to its past state of political rifts and national division.
Aleksandra Lakić leads the conversation between European citizens rights activist Dominik Schlett who focuses on freedom of movement and activist Folashade Ajayi who fights for anti-racism, gender equality and migration policies and cultural management expert Marie Rosenkranz, who deploys her knowledge of grassroots organizations and think tanks, like European Democracy Lab and Polis180, to shaping foreign and European policy.
Europool creates space for political organisation and direct action. The cutting edge program of thinking, listening, and dancing sets the tone for reflection on community empowerment, urging viewers to take part in the conversation around Europe as it exists today.
Creamcake is a regular music series in Berlin initiated by Daniela Seitz and Anja Weigl. Since 2017 they have organized 3hd Festival, combining interdisciplinary projects at the intersection of avant-garde, pop, performance, and visual arts, circling around crucial changes in the digital society. Cooperating with numerous institutions in Berlin including Akademie der Künste, Berghain, Hebbel am Ufer, OHM, and Südblock, Creamcake has positioned the project as an open and queer series, presenting visionary, nonconformist, and experimental sounds, from the outset.
at Sommerbad Humboldthain
Wiesenstraße 1, 13357 Berlin
Google Maps
Monday – Sunday
10.00 am – 6.00 pm
at Sommerbad Humboldthain
Wiesenstraße 1, 13357 Berlin
Google Maps
Monday – Sunday
10.00 am – 6.00 pm